Help yourself with the following tips
Self-help Troubleshooting for Pai Tula Yoga. We now have an efficient way for you to effectively fix your yoga-related queries. Try these awesome tips out and if you still struggle, please contact Angie on your app chat for assistance and she will assist you as soon as she is available to.
My payment won’t go through.
Check you are connected to the internet
Check your card number is correct
Check your bank balance
Make sure that you are using our local yoco option for SAFAS and Paypal for international
Exit the app and reload it
I can’t book a class
Have you signed up and downloaded our app?
Have you got a class card or package active?
Are you on the correct profile?
Are you connected to the internet?
Exit the app and reload it
I want to a friend to join?
Send them this link to sign up as a student - https://www.paitulayoga.com/sign-up
Send them this link to get the app - http://wix.to/uEAbB6I?ref=cl
Explain to them how to book if they cannot figure it out on the app
Remind them to park on the arena and only ring the yoga studio doorbell. It's a bit temperamental when it rains so please be patient and don't hoot.
If they are joining online, check they have received the email link for the zoom class and unique code for access.
Welcome them to an awesome, one of a kind community where we're corny and care, we hug and we are all weird. :)
I miss / never receive all the class updates, quotes and daily reminders on whatsapp
Our quotes and reminders have not stopped, we are now posting them via our app and instagram account. This enables you, as the user to have all the information you want, without having to look for it or be inundated by other information. Magic at your fingertips with less energy consuming tasks.
I’m at the gate
Thank you for your patience please wait while the teacher on duty opens the gate for you. Please don’t call as phones are hooked up to the speaker before class.
Studio opens 15 minutes any class starts and no earlier.
The less busy classes require you to ring the yoga studio doorbell or please message Angie. She does however check the gate exactly 10 minutes before a class and again 5 minutes before a class so if you’re there, hang 5 and she’ll be there.
We love your enthusiasm to get in and onto your mat but also realise it takes time to walk from the car to your mat. Please allow yourself time to do this in a calm and relaxed manner for your benefit.
If you are running late, a whatsapp message will suffice. Breathe, you’ll get there. We try to accomodate traffic, life and stressful days and won't leave you outside if you've notified us of your late arrival, we'll watch out for you.
I can’t make class and can’t cancel.
Due to the classes being full and external teachers requiring confirmation 2 hours before a class starts, no shows or cancellations closer than 30 minutes before count as a class.
Don’t panic, you’re doing your best and we love that you are so committed to your yoga time!