This is not a joke, 42 days focused on your self is going to be hard! So why even try?
Well let me start with this....42 days is not going to be easy for me either. I've taken up the challenge with you all and to fix my attention on making at least one drastic change in my life this month. You are not alone in this transformation we are embarking on!
I know you can all do yoga everyday for 6 weeks, of course I do. But I want to see you actually do it. I want to see days that are hard to get up become days that you are hungry to rise and to get your goal done! I want to see you passionate to be good to yourself and to deal with everything you are being asked to face.

We all know what's good for us, but often choose the alternative. We know we can do something but until we try, we won't know what struggles along the way we'll face and how just by having that constant motivation and determination will drastically change everything we do. Being nervous is natural, what if your whole life changes and you finally realise you need to let go of something or someone you've been really afraid to let go of for all these years? What if you are brought to a point where your eyes open to the fact that you've overworked yourself and over committed to people and things at the detriment of your health?
Doing something for 6 weeks will move something deep within you and you shouldnt be afraid to let it move.
You are GOING to get tired, you're going to have a million emotions and moments of disappointment and grief and loss and betrayal and let downs. Your life is never going to be all good. You're going to get hurt, you're going to break a heart or two. Guaranteed. But you are also going to have satisfaction, mindblowingly easy moments, cherished hugs and sore cheeks from laughter. I want to challenge you this month to be afraid but then to try anyway and then to push through. To try something different instead of giving up entirely.
You've been called. You've been asked to do and not just say.
Recordings of each day will be available for those doing it in their own time!